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As part of the PDDC’s mission to provide educational information on plant diseases and their control, PDDC Director, Brian Hudelson, participates in a number of outreach activities throughout the year:
Brian appears regularly on Larry Meiller’s Garden Talk on Wisconsin Public Radio.
Brian has also appeared regularly on Shelley Ryan’s show The Wisconsin Gardener on Wisconsin Public Television.
Personal Appearances
Brian attends a number of agriculture- and horticulture-related events throughout the year, including Garden and Landscape Expo. During these events, you can meet Brian and ask him plant pathology-related questions. You can find a listing of these events on the PDDC Events page (under the “Outreach” tab in the main menu).
Brian provides numerous presentations and workshops throughout Wisconsin on plant disease-related topics, oftentimes with the sponsorship of local UW-Extension offices, Master Gardener groups, garden clubs, and professional organizations. Brian also provides regular online presentations that are available to citizens of Wisconsin and beyond.
Check out Brian’s events calendar (under the “Outreach” tab in the main menu) to see if he may already be speaking at a location near you. To book Brian to speak for your group, feel free to contact him at (608) 262-2863 or
Feel free to follow Brian on Facebook or Twitter/X (@UWPDDC) to receive updates on PDDC activities and educational resources. If you are not of a fan of social media, but would like to receive PDDC updates, email and ask to be added to the clinic’s email listserv “UWPDDCLearn”. Also be sure to routinely visit the PDDC website to check on new education materials and opportunities.
Brian writes in a variety of formats including fact sheets, web articles, and books. Brian also provides articles and other content for various print and online newsletters including, but not limited to the Wisconsin Crop Manager, Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Updates, Wisconsin Fruit News, Wisconsin Arborist Association Newsletter, and National Plant Diagnostics Network (NPDN) News.