White Mold Quiz

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White Mold Quiz

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Reference: White Mold Fact Sheet.

1) In home gardens, white mold can cause problems on many vegetable crops, as well as on many herbaceous ornamentals.(Required)
2) White mold is caused by a(Required)
3) Typical signs and symptoms associated with white mold include(Required)
4) The white mold pathogen can be spread by wind, rain splash, or insects.(Required)
5) The white mold pathogen can survive for many years in soil.(Required)
6) Composting is a great way to dispose of plants that are suffering from white mold.(Required)
7) Spacing plants farther apart in a garden can help manage white mold by creating a drier environment that is less favorable for the pathogen to grow and infect.(Required)
8) White mold tends to be more of a problem when you use a sprinkler to water as opposed to using a soaker or drip hose.(Required)