Weir’s Cushion Rust of Spruces Quiz Weir's Cushion Rust of Spruces Quiz Take the Quiz! Get a perfect score! Earn the medallion! Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct. If you don't get a perfect score, you can take the quiz again until you do! Please provide your email address to receive your digital medallion. Reference: Weir's Cushion Rust of Spruces Fact Sheet.Email(Required) 1) Weir's cushion rust primarily affects different types of spruces but can also affect certain species of fir.(Required) true false 2) Typical signs and symptoms associated with Weir's cushion rust can include(Required) purpling of interior needles on lower branches purpling of needles at branch tips yellow spots or bands on the current year's needles branch dieback needle drop oozing sap blister-like areas on affected needles none of the above 3) Weir's cushion rust is caused by a(Required) bacterium fungus water mold phytoplasma nematode virus none of the above 4) The Weir's cushion rust pathogen is an alternating rust. It requires two plant hosts to complete its life cycle. The alternate plant host for the pathogen is gooseberries/currants.(Required) true false 5) The Weir's cushion rust pathogen is moved from tree to tree by wind and splashing water.(Required) true false 6) Strategies that can successfully help you manage Weir's cushion rust include(Required) using non-susceptible tree species planting disease-free trees mulching properly watering during droughty periods removing and disposing of affected needles that have dropped from a tree using appropriate curative fungicides using appropriate preventative fungicides none of the above Δ