Root-Knot Nematode Quiz

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Root-Knot Nematode Quiz

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Reference: Root-Knot Nematode Fact Sheet.

1) Nematodes are special types of insects.(Required)
2) Most nematodes are visible with the naked eye.(Required)
3) Symptoms of a root-knot nematode problem can include(Required)
4) Plants affected by root-knot nematodes tend to occur in patches.(Required)
5) Root-knot nematodes can be moved from location to location whenever contaminated soil or infected plants are moved.(Required)
6) Growing a cover crop of French marigolds can be useful in managing root-knot nematodes.(Required)
7) When root-knot nematodes are a problem in a field, grow corn or small grains such as wheat, oats, or rye in the affected area, as these plants are not hosts of the nematode.(Required)
8) When attempting to control root-knot nematodes by rotation, keeping broadleaf weeds under control is critical, as these plants can serve as alternate hosts for the nematodes.(Required)