Leaf Blotch Diseases of Wheat Quiz

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Leaf Blotch Diseases of Wheat Quiz

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Reference: Leaf Blotch Diseases of Wheat Fact Sheet.

1) Leaf blotch diseases are caused not by a single pathogen but by a group of pathogens. These diseases can affect not only wheat but other small grains as well.(Required)
2) Leaf blotch diseases tend to be favored by hot, wet, windy conditions.(Required)
3) Symptoms and signs caused by leaf blotch diseases can include(Required)
4) Leaf blotch diseases are caused by(Required)
5) Leaf blotch pathogens readily survive in debris from previously infected plants.(Required)
6) Survival of leaf blotch pathogens is enhanced through their production of long-lived resting spores called ascospores.(Required)
7) Cultural (i.e., non-chemical) controls that are useful in managing leaf blotch diseases include use of resistant varieties, crop rotation, proper crop debris management, and eradication of volunteer wheat plants.(Required)
8) Preventative fungicide sprays can be a useful tool in the management of leaf blotch diseases. In areas with a history of these diseases, growers should apply fungicides every year.(Required)