Late Blight Quiz Late Blight Quiz Take the Quiz! Get a perfect score! Earn the medallion! Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct. If you don't get a perfect score, you can take the quiz again until you do! Please provide your email address to receive your digital medallion. Reference: Late Blight Fact Sheet.Email(Required) 1) Late blight is an incredibly destructive disease of potatoes and tomatoes.(Required) true false 2) Common symptoms of late blight on tomato can include(Required) fruit spots flower abortion a whitish-gray fuzzy appearance of affected leaves and stems root rot black, water-soaked leaf lesions plant death none of the above 3) Late blight is caused by a(Required) bacterium fungus water mold phytoplasma nematode virus none of the above 4) One way that the late blight pathogen might survive the winter in Wisconsin is in infected potato tubers.(Required) true false 5) Plants suffering from late blight should be removed and disposed of immediately. Affected plants from home gardens can be placed in plastic bags and cooked in the sun for several days until plants are completely dead.(Required) true false 6) Plants suffering from late blight can be composted.(Required) true false 7) Late blight resistant tomato varieties are available. Planting your favorite resistant variety will guarantee a late blight-free tomato crop.(Required) true false Δ