Charcoal Rot of Soybean Quiz Charcoal Rot of Soybean Quiz Take the Quiz! Get a perfect score! Earn the medallion! Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct. If you don't get a perfect score, you can take the quiz again until you do! Please provide your email address to receive your digital medallion. Reference: Charcoal Rot of Soybean Fact Sheet.Email(Required) 1) Charcoal rot is a disease that exclusively affects soybeans.(Required) true false 2) Charcoal rot of soybean more commonly occurs in hot, dry years and in sandier soils.(Required) true false 3) Signs/symptoms associated with charcoal rot of soybean include(Required) leaf yellowing excessive production of flowers and pods leaf spots dusty-colored discoloration of roots production of tannish, powdery spores wilting 4) Charcoal rot symptoms could potentially be mistaken for normal changes in soybean plants as they reach maturity.(Required) true false 5) Charcoal rot of soybean is caused by a(Required) bacterium fungus water mold phytoplasma nematode virus none of the above 6) The charcoal rot pathogen can be introduced into a field on contaminated seed.(Required) true false 7) The charcoal rot pathogen can survive as microsclerotia in soybean plant debris. These microsclerotia survive for a longer period of time if soils are dry.(Required) true false 8) Management of charcoal rot, in fields with a history of the disease, relies on reducing plant stresses such as water stress and nutrient stress.(Required) true false Δ