Cane Blight Quiz

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Cane Blight Quiz

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Reference: Cane Blight Fact Sheet.

1) Cane blight is a common disease of raspberries and blackberries(Required)
2) Cane blight is caused by a(Required)
3) The cane blight pathogen typically gains entry into a plant through wounds caused by pruning, insect feeding, or harvesting fruit(Required)
4) Signs/symptoms associated with cane blight include(Required)
5) The cane blight pathogen readily survives on infected canes and in the soil.(Required)
6) To help prevent infections by the cane blight pathogen, only prune raspberry canes in the summer when it is hot.(Required)
7) Having proper fertility is important in preventing cane blight. Be sure to give your raspberries lots of nitrogen as this will promote growth of strong, healthy shoots.(Required)
8) Proper row spacing can help prevent cane blight. Be sure rows are spaced 12 inches apart to optimize air flow and promote rapid drying of plants.(Required)
9) Keeping weeds under control can help prevent cane blight. Weeds can trap moist air and promote a wetter environment that is more favorable for infection.(Required)