Butternut Canker Quiz Butternut Canker Quiz Take the Quiz! Get a perfect score! Earn the medallion! Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct. If you don't get a perfect score, you can take the quiz again until you do! Please provide your email address to receive your digital medallion. Reference: Butternut Canker Fact Sheet.Email(Required) 1) Butternut canker is a severe and typically lethal disease of butternut trees. It can also affect black walnut trees but with minimal damage.(Required) true false 2) Butternut canker is caused by a(Required) bacterium fungus water mold phytoplasma nematode virus none of the above 3) Often with butternut canker, multiple infections can occur on a single tree. Damage caused by these individual infections can eventually merge, causing severe disruption of water-conducting tissue in tree trunks, and leading to branch dieback and eventual tree death.(Required) true false 4) The pathogen that causes butternut canker can enter trees through wounds, including natural wounds such as leaf and branch scars.(Required) true false 5) Insects are not known to move the butternut pathogen from tree to tree.(Required) true false 6) Management of butternut canker involves(Required) pruning out infected branches routinely using preventative fungicide treatments making sure trees are optimally fertilized based on soil nutrient testing routinely decontaminating pruning tools not mulching around susceptible plants as mulch can be a source of the pathogen watering plants routinely to reduce water stress none of the above 7) Some butternut trees have resistance to butternut canker.(Required) true false Δ