Helminthosporium Turf Diseases Quiz

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Helminthosporium Turf Diseases Quiz

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Reference: Helminthosporium Turf Diseases Fact Sheet.

1) Helminthosporium turf diseases include necrotic ring spot and summer patch.(Required)
2) Signs and symptoms associated with Helminthosporium turf diseases, depending on the specific turf host and environmental conditions, can include(Required)
3) Helminthosporium turf diseases are caused by(Required)
4) Helminthosporium turf disease pathogens readily survive in the soil.(Required)
5) Helminthosporium turf diseases are more common during hot weather, when there are dry periods alternating with long periods of wet, cloudy weather.(Required)
6) Methods for managing Helminthosporium turf diseases include(Required)