Septoria Leaf Spot Quiz

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Septoria Leaf Spot Quiz

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Reference: Septoria Leaf Spot Fact Sheet.

1) Septoria leaf spot is one of two common leaf blights of tomato. The other is late blight.(Required)
2) Common symptoms of Septoria leaf spot can include(Required)
3) Symptoms of Septoria leaf spot typically begin on lower leaves of a plant and work their way up the plant.(Required)
4) Septoria leaf spot is caused by a(Required)
5) The Septoria leaf spot pathogen readily survives in soil in the absence of tomato debris.(Required)
6) Increasing the spacing between tomato plants can help prevent Septoria leaf spot.(Required)
7) Watering tomatoes with a sprinkler will promote development of Septoria leaf spot, as wet leaves provide a better environment for infections to occur.(Required)
8) Mulching properly under tomato plants can be useful in managing Septoria leaf spot.(Required)