Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits Quiz

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Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits Quiz

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Reference: Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits Fact Sheet.

1) Bacterial wilt of cucurbits is a lethal disease of vine crops such as cucumber.(Required)
2) Watermelons tend to have fewer problems with bacterial wilt.(Required)
3) The bacterial wilt pathogen is introduced into plants by aphids as they feed.(Required)
4) The bacterial wilt pathogen blocks the water-conducting tissue inside a plant, thus preventing water movement from the roots and into the vines.(Required)
5) Typically, plants suffering from bacterial wilt initially show wilting of a single vine, with the wilting eventually affecting the entire plant.(Required)
6) The bacterial wilt pathogen can be found on corn and goldenrod plants, and these plants serve as important reservoirs of the pathogen that can lead to infections of cucurbits(Required)
7) Bacterial wilt of cucurbits is commonly managed by(Required)