Sample Pages
Topics Covered
Apple Scab Armillaria Root Disease Aster Yellows Bacterial Soft Rot Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits Basil Downy Mildew Bird’s Nest Fungi Black Knot Black Rot of Crucifers Black Spot of Rose Blossom End Rot Boxwood Blight Brown Rot Cedar-Apple Rust Cedar-Quince Rust Chlorosis Citrus Greening Common Scab of Potato |
Common Smut of Corn Crown Gall Daylily Leaf Streak Dead Man’s Fingers Diplodia Shoot Blight Dutch Elm Disease Elderberry Rust Ergot Fairy Rings Fire Blight Foliar Nematode Golden Canker Grain Rusts Grape Downy Mildew Late Blight Lichens Mistletoe |
Nectria Canker Peach Leaf Curl Powdery Mildew Ralstonia Wilt Rhizosphaera Needle Cast Septoria Leaf Spot Silver Leaf Slime Molds Southern Blight Stinkhorns Sudden Oak Death Tar Spot Tobacco Mosaic Tobacco Rattle White Mold White Pine Blister Rust Winter Burn |
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